Our inherited knowledge of wine shapes the daily work in the winery and allows us to create a unique wine-making identity.
Our inherited knowledge of wine shapes the daily work in the winery and allows us to create a unique wine-making identity.
This leads us to consider the winery a place where knowledge, experience and past traditions of transforming grapes into wine are preserved and combined with the most modern technologies to guarantee the highest quality standards
Here ‘time’ is the most important factor to observe, an ability we have developed throughout our past and still maintain.
Waiting for the right moment is all important: observing the times and rhythms of evolution will achieve wines with unique personality, where elegance, harmony and balance blend into their character.
We take the greatest care of our grapes so as to maintain their typical characteristics. An accurate selection process on their arrival at the winery exalts the Cru concept of the single vineyard, which best expresses typical features.
A long process now begins to transform the grapes into must and then wine, through fermentation, maturation and aging. The wine travels through the four noble materials of wine-making: steel, concrete, wood and glass, each of which contributes unique features to the wine.
Steel, Concrete, Wood and Glass
Four materials that encounter the wine during its transformation and maturation.
The four ‘noble’ materials of wine-making, each of which contributes unique features to the wine.
Find out the latest news from Ai Galli: the new wines, events in our winery and those to which we will participate.
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