300% Wine Experience

Si rinnova, come ormai da tradizione, l'appuntamento annuale con 300% Wine Experience, l’evento firmato dall'Associazione Italiana Sommelier Veneto che domenica 11 marzo 2018, dalle 10.00 alle 20.00, a Villa Emo di Fanzolo di Vedelago (TV) presenterà 300 vini dei 100 migliori Produttori Vinicoli Veneti.


Find out the latest news from Ai Galli: the new wines, events in our winery and those to which we will participate.

May 2024: events at Ai Galli

"Open Doors" at the Winery
Sunday 26 May

We are opening the doors of our estate to all our friends, customers and enthusiasts.
A day full of activities, including guided tours of the winery and vineyards, master classes d...


gambero rosso berebene: oscar we are!

A great achievement for our Lison Classico DOCG, reconfirmed once again with the National Oscar for the quality-price ratio by GamberoRosso's Berebene Guide.
A recognition that once again rewards the indigenous wine par excellenc...


Civiltà del Bere: WOW competition

A great result was received by our wines at the WOW Competition of Civiltà del Bere, the most important and influential Italian magazine dedicated to the world of wine.
The competition, which saw the participation of more than a thousand wine...


Harvest 2023: a vibrant vintage

45 days, 1,080 hours, 64,800 minutes

These are the numbers of our recently concluded 2023 harvest.
It began in our vineyards on 30 August, and ended on 13 October.
A vibrant, exciting harvest, full of challenges to...



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Ai Galli S.S.A.

Via Loredan, 28 30020 Pramaggiore (VE) - Tel. (+39) 0421 799314 - Fax (+39) 0421 203350 - e-mail: info@aigalli.it - P.Iva 04633680279

Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale

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